Sunday, August 8, 2010


最近看了"The Sorcerer Apprentice"后,觉得Monica Belucci太有味道了!到了这种熟女阶段,即使肉肉地,还是很“媚”!是的!比跟2年前,我真的肥了好多,可是我正式宣布我减肥了!做mok ler?老娘爽啦!减肥只会越减越肥!听到我的好朋友说,为了省钱可以不吃午餐顺便减肥,太恐怖了!想起以前自己每次去泳池,都回故意走来走去,ten身材+放电,现在,求我都不会再踏入泳池一步!嫌老娘肥,你爱看就看啦,不爱看老娘就把你眼球挖出来做fish ball!!


没有像Megan Fox的身材又如何?

Friday, July 16, 2010


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

好想念我的女佣们,现在住得真的有小不开心,隔壁住着2各金毛仔,那种金是比916金还要金的金!可是还是跟老娘有大有小,叫他移车还会讲“索女 (soli )”对面那个老女人,看到她就想起虎背熊腰这句成语~屋主是个装修佬,脸上常带着禁欲100年的咸湿样!天呀!救救我!星爷不时有讲过?谁不入地狱,我入地狱!救我!!

我...还是老样子拉,还是一样那么/\ ..最近公司来了很多泰国人,每天kap kap kap kap不停的!顶!最近也认识了我公司一个高层的australian,好恐怖!他有197cm那么高!!!!我常常都笑他,他是不是从Narnia跑出来的椰树精!


Friday, July 9, 2010

今天的另母心情是超吊的~一直以来都把自己push到最尽,要做到最好!终于我得到了我想要的东西。虽然薪水还是一样,可是现在荣誉还是紧要过薪水~copy & paste 给你们看!!

mingchi.pei (12:32:19 PM): no la.. can i tell u something..
xiaoqu.lee (12:32:32 PM): yaya...listening...
mingchi.pei (12:32:56 PM): u have the highest score of all in my call coaching and I am very very happy and proud of u lor.. u are very with customer.. and I have ur recording as ssample for Greg to listen to..
mingchi.pei (12:33:05 PM): very good with customer*
xiaoqu.lee (12:33:15 PM): oh...REALLY????
mingchi.pei (12:33:19 PM): yeah
xiaoqu.lee (12:33:19 PM): i can't blv it!!!
mingchi.pei (12:33:40 PM): u should believe it.. i just dun have the time to let u all listen one by one
xiaoqu.lee (12:33:41 PM): thx~~~really touch for it...
mingchi.pei (12:34:12 PM): u are good, dun have to feel touch.. i just need to let u know..
xiaoqu.lee (12:34:36 PM): nvr tot that i could gt the highest....instead i dun 1 2 b the highest...i jz wish can reduce my mistake...
mingchi.pei (12:34:40 PM): we are so busy and u can maintain the friendlyness in every call u take.. very very good
xiaoqu.lee (12:35:07 PM): i nid to thanks my parents....coz they r the 1 that teach me all of this...
mingchi.pei (12:35:11 PM): we learnt from mistake.. just remember, as long as we dun commit the same mistake for 2 time..
mingchi.pei (12:35:28 PM): ur mum? she is in customer service line as well?

xiaoqu.lee (12:36:15 PM): mum is a headmistres...but she's going to retired on next monday....
mingchi.pei (12:36:25 PM): ooo.. no wonder..
mingchi.pei (12:36:41 PM): u are very very very well mannered its another compliment for u

xiaoqu.lee (12:36:57 PM): thanks ming chi~~dun say anymore...later i cry~haha!!!
mingchi.pei (12:37:02 PM): ‪ okok
mingchi.pei (12:37:15 PM): keep it up ler..


Saturday, May 29, 2010

share 2 hamsap joke with u all :

1) There are 70 ways to make a gals happy,1st way is bring them shopping,the rest is 69.

2) Few days ago when i was chatting wif my frenz,this is our conversation:

xxxx: That guy ah really nice,came early every morning to make protein breakfast for me.
me: Now he prepare protein for u,later he's going to prepare sperm for u...

it might not as funny as u tot, but it applied on me :)
Have a nice day!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

做工的日子,的确有点空虚,不晓得为了什么而忙,为了什么不开心,为了什么很没有安全感。上司真的人很好,犯了那么多大大小小的错误,她怎样都不会生气,还安慰我这是个 learning process.. ..我在工作的环境里,算是没有知心朋友,因为现在的我看不出有谁值得我的真心。我明白,这个社会每个人都是 selfisharrogant 的。但是我还是期待那个例外的人.. ..做工的我,很安静,很平凡,就像ginny说的 : gentle speaking and polite 的 Q .. ..看着有点pua kek 的同事,心想:我不希望在别人眼中,自己是那样的.. ..与其做个每个人都认识的坏女孩,我只想要维持低调,完成我应该做的东西,做个舒服的小角色。到处flirt或呛声,好像自己很geng的样子只是没有自信的一种表现。

Friday, April 2, 2010

今天开心指数 100!!!!真的好开心!

经过昨天4个小时的 interview, 我被录取了!

毕业过后的第一份 permanent job = Fuji Xerox!!!

offer basic =2200 而且 超靠近我家的,就在 PD 对面!

position 是 customer support representative~
