Monday, March 23, 2009

i wana be the thin version of Catherine Z.J

"Silent dog bite people until they died"

早就知道这世界没几个好人,可也没想到看起来那么无邪的人,隐藏着的面目是多么的可憎!我虽然朋友不多,但也不稀罕那些虚假的朋友。难怪人家说 : 舌头是身体的小部分,却也是最祸害人的地方!


参加了学校的 soft skill programme,发现原来自己的英文能力真的好烂今天1st skip crisis management 的节,anita竟然要扣掉我们整组2分,好气恼!她就是爱耍个性,然后要我们tam回~~今天生平第一次,在mamak present 我们的 crisis,present 到一半,鸟粪掉下来,还真是无奈!哈哈!明天上完课,累得半死了,4点还要去做4个小时的工,赚那区区的 RM 80,后天就好料,去做2小时半的focus group,稳赚RM 100!

从early sem 到现在,已近3个月没有游泳了!身材就开始不争气,对不起我~肚腩跟老爸的有的fight! 残!!今天present,也才发现我所有的M size formal都不能穿了!真的是crisis!!!今天开始,我不要跟scott去吃东西了!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Jo Tan,From left : ah Ting,Lao Bao Bao,Jacob,Jo Tan & Kee Ch'ng.

As cute As AS Scott....-_-

Housemate ah ting 要搬了,好舍不得!Live 在一起的日子,真的度过很多开心又生气的事情。记得她刚刚搬来时,我超级讨厌她,讨厌她的肮脏,讨厌她的无礼,总是觉得她是个笑话,是个四肢发达头脑简单的人,总之是个很糟糕的人。甚至新邻居搬来时,她会傻傻分不清跟人说 : Do u need your help?还会问我左右怎么分?ok教了她之后,她还会问左是工的还是口的?后来,渐渐发现她的天真,至少对着我们她没有耍心机,我们有困难时,她都不会拍拍屁股走人。她也从来没耍小姐脾气,就算怎么骂她,她也不会记在心上。

昨天,控制不到心灵上的空虚,被恶魔制服了!买了一只guinea pig,取名 “洪金宝”,是只小姐!好可爱~~可是naive的ah ting却认为这么可爱的东西很恐怖,她竟然认为它会吃人~mama mia~~~

Thx for the compliment given by Ms Pineapple...
i never know that i got such sweet voice(sweat..)
Thx for my parent for given me such "ngam ngam hou" punya outlook,haha!
We dint did well in crisis but i think we've given our best shot!
n love my group member owez!!
Especially thx to Chicken,hui shan,aeroplane,doggie,carmen,jia wen,scott,chee hean,chicken head,norrain,hun teng the gigantic breast n so on...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I noe u miss her...

n if u do...

nth i can do about it...

so be it...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

my coolest dad!!

Guess that im homesick!
when i was talking in the fon with my mum jz now..i wanted to tell her that i miss her so much..but i could't..probably its bcz of the traditional culture of my family.
yea mum...i really miss u...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

弄给老宝宝的black forest,丑吗?不管驾motor也好,驾车也好,甚至我们只能搭bus..我都会珍惜和你在一起的日子!



在忙到要死的时候,我居然还能翘着脚写blog..真的是...很好!!每个人总有她release stress的方式的~我呢,只要带我去吃好料,玩一下game,写一下blog我就okok了!在忙什么呢?忙着creative strategy punya final proposal(身为leader的压力真的还不小),忙campaign的print ads,忙crisis management->王明志case study,忙TRM(basically是scott在帮我,haha!!),忙做brochure,忙culture and communication(好想做circumcise(割礼)…浆忙了我居然还能在weekend做工!妈的!难道为了钱,我需要忙成这样吗?无论身理上心理上我都觉得好疲惫!

February 27是老宝宝的生日!我们去kelana jaya 那边一间很有特色的pizza店,叫做Marco..味道麻麻迪..但是aim中了隔壁间的“蟹王“!!哈哈!!谁要带我去???hoho~~那天结帐也才发现2月花了千5块!!单单吃喝玩乐就花了千5!!我要省钱了!!!!