Saturday, May 29, 2010

share 2 hamsap joke with u all :

1) There are 70 ways to make a gals happy,1st way is bring them shopping,the rest is 69.

2) Few days ago when i was chatting wif my frenz,this is our conversation:

xxxx: That guy ah really nice,came early every morning to make protein breakfast for me.
me: Now he prepare protein for u,later he's going to prepare sperm for u...

it might not as funny as u tot, but it applied on me :)
Have a nice day!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

做工的日子,的确有点空虚,不晓得为了什么而忙,为了什么不开心,为了什么很没有安全感。上司真的人很好,犯了那么多大大小小的错误,她怎样都不会生气,还安慰我这是个 learning process.. ..我在工作的环境里,算是没有知心朋友,因为现在的我看不出有谁值得我的真心。我明白,这个社会每个人都是 selfisharrogant 的。但是我还是期待那个例外的人.. ..做工的我,很安静,很平凡,就像ginny说的 : gentle speaking and polite 的 Q .. ..看着有点pua kek 的同事,心想:我不希望在别人眼中,自己是那样的.. ..与其做个每个人都认识的坏女孩,我只想要维持低调,完成我应该做的东西,做个舒服的小角色。到处flirt或呛声,好像自己很geng的样子只是没有自信的一种表现。